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Chocolate Pumpkin Cream Cheese Dip

So I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes I can’t eat fruit without dipping it into something, because the acidity messes with my stomach.

And the day that peanut butter started hurting my stomach broke my heart.

I guess that just means I have to be more creative with what I dip my fruit into, right?


So I came home from school one day and decided I really wanted an apple. Looked at all my favorite food blogs… And all their dips called for chickpeas!!

We only keep chickpeas in our pantry in the summer months for bean salad, so I couldn’t make any of theirs.

So, I improvised this! Behold, the chocolate pumpkin cream cheese dip.

1/4 cup + 1 tbsp cream cheese
1/2 cup pumpkin
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tbsp Greek yogurt

Mix all ingredients together, making sure to blend well.

(Side note-my mom thought this could have been a little bit sweeter than it was. If you agree, you can add a few tablespoons of brown sugar! Adding dry pudding mix to the equation would also sweeten it and add flavor.)

Something that I think would go really well in this dip(could also be replaced for the cream cheese) would be any kind of nut butter!

Also, you can’t forget to mix in a few chocolate chips afterwords. They are, after all, the best part.



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